Speech & Language Therapy Team
Sadhana Samy
Aloha (hello)! My name is Sadhana. I am a speech-language therapist primarily working with school-aged children with different needs, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, in the areas of language and alternative and augmentative communication (AAC), social communication, feeding, and speech. I am fluent in English and Tamil, and can conduct therapy in either language.
My journey started out when I volunteered at a special school. There, I had the opportunity to witness how important having a voice (which can look different for everyone) and the right to communicate is to one’s overall quality of life and happiness. This led me to embark on my journey as a speech-language therapist, as I hope to make a difference in helping people find their voice in this world.
Over the years I have gained experience in providing intervention through individual and group sessions through play and strength-based approaches. I specialise in assessing and recommending AAC for clients with communication disorders, in order to improve their participation and functional communication.
As a firm believer that caregivers and teachers are primary agents for change, I work closely and provide training and coaching in implementing strategies to increase skills in AAC. I also support families with picky eaters and problem feeders, hoping to make mealtimes less stressful and more enjoyable for each child and their caregiver. I adopt evidence-based methods and continue to deepen my knowledge and proficiency in this area through attending professional development courses.
Every individual is unique and a holistic approach through collaboration with other health professionals, stakeholders, and peers is something I intentionally practise in my work. As a speech-language therapist, I am blessed to be able to empower my clients with the ability to be heard and am continuously learning and trying new ways to advocate for them.
Professional Qualifications & Affiliations
- BSc (Honours) Life Sciences (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
- MSc Speech and Language Pathology (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
- Full Registration (Allied Health Professions Council, Singapore)
- Member (British Psychological Society, UK)
- Member (Speech and Language Therapy Singapore, Singapore)
Trainings and Certifications
- DIR 101 Introduction to DIR® and DIRFloortime®
- Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets (PROMPT) Technique
- The SCERTS Model
- The Key Worker by Noah’s Ark
- Responsive Feeding Therapy: The Foundational Series
- Responsive Feeding Therapy in Early Intervention
- Responsive Feeding Therapy: Supporting Neurodivergent Parents and Families
- TalkTools Feeding Therapy: A Sensory Motor Approach